7 Questions with Liquid Hero Brewery of York, PA

Liquid Hero

Move over, Captain America: Liquid Hero Brewery is here to rescue craft brew lovers from the evils of bad beer. The York-based brewery has been creating its impressive lineup since 2011 and shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, the brewery is currently in the process of expanding to triple its output, ensuring that loyal fans will never go thirsty. We tapped co-owner Christian Quinlivan to give us the scoop on how these long-time friends went from beer-lovers to beer-makers, and what they’ve learned along the way.

Liquid Hero Brewery Christian QuinlivanPA Eats: You guys seem pretty tight. How long have you known each other?

Christian Quinlivan: All of us [co-owners Matt DePrato and Joshua Hoke included] have known each other since high school. You know, back when we were drinking crap beer. (Haha.)

You claim you started Liquid Hero to rescue yourselves from ordinary beer. Do you think you’ve succeeded? How?

We have succeeded to the point where we came up with some pretty good tasting brews. But, we never will back down and we need to continue to push ourselves to make more and come up with new, interesting beers for our customers at the highest quality.

What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned about brewing since that very first home-brewed batch in 2008?

1. Learn to work with others. 2. Keep it simple. 3. Keep smiling. 4. Remember it’s just beer. 5. Continue to re-invent your craft. 6. Never stop growing.

Your motto is simple: Drink Good Beer. How do you define “good beer”?

Beer that can appeal to anyone. Beer that is made correctly.

Liquid Hero Brewing

How have you expanded and plan to continue to expand to keep up with the demand for your beer?

Our latest expansion, which will be complete this May, will allow us to triple our capacity from 1000 barrels a year to 3000 barrels a year. The reason we did this is because we cannot keep up with our current demand. Our customers kick ass and we need to be able to continuously provide what they want. It’s a little sad that we have to sell our original brewing system that we built from scratch, but now it’s time to step up to a professionally built system and provide an even higher quality beer for our customers. We also just invested in additional lab equipment to make sure our little yeast buddies are doing their job correctly.

We’re sure you each have a particular Liquid Hero beer you’re most fond of. Which is yours, and why?

Irregardless IPA. It’s just a damn good beer. And yes we know “irregardless” is not a word.

If someone is planning to visit the brewery for a meal, what are your beer suggestions to pair with these menu items?

    1. Cuban Pretzel Melt: American Hero (Amber Ale)
    2. Veggie Stromboli: Heroweizen (Hefeweizen)
    3. Porky Pig BBQ Burger: Adams Stout (Vanilla Bean Stout)
    4. Meatlovers’ Pizza: Irregardless (IPA)
    5. Falafel Gyro: Red Horn Ale (Irish Red)

liquid hero brewery

Head to Liquid Hero for food and drink during these hours: Tuesday–Friday, 4–10 p.m.; Saturday, 2–10 p.m.; and Sunday, 12–5 p.m. The brewery is closed on Monday. Weekly events include Happy Hour every Tuesday–Friday from 4–6 p.m.; Randall Thursday, when the guys infuse one of Liquid Hero’s beers with special ingredients; and Brewery Yoga on Saturday.

Be sure to mark your calendars for these brew-tastic events happening throughout 2015: Susquehanna Ale Trail Brewmaster Tasting Tour (April 10–19), 4th Annual Chili Cookoff (April 18), Customer Appreciation Party (June 13), Fourth of July Celebration, 3rd Annual Homebrew Contest (September 12) and the Liquid Hero Anniversary Party (October 3).

Find Liquid Hero Brewery at 50 E. North St. in York; phone: (717) 814-9250.