The final regular season West Chester Story Slam has arrived!
The October 8 Story Slam is themed “Chaos!” Storytellers will be competing to secure the final spot so they can perform at November’s Grand Slam. The October 8 Story Slam will be held on the second floor of Side Bar. The fun begins promptly at 8 p.m. Reserve your seats by clicking HERE.
Here are some thoughts on Chaos from the West Chester Story Slam website:
The theme “Chaos” is pretty straightforward. Chaos often stirs change. All organizations experience chaos in some form or another. Gremlins get into the machine and start wreaking havoc on the best laid plans. Chaos is experienced in sports, music, literature, business, families, and also in a person’s mind. The internet and new media has brought chaotic disruption to newspaper and magazine publishers. Anarchy is a form of chaos. Storytelling in itself is a way of bringing meaning to a life of chaos. What really matters in life is how we respond to the chaos around us.
You might be asking, what exactly is a Story Slam?
West Chester Story Slam is a live event where people take the stage with no notes or props and tell a 5-minute true story in front of a rowdy live audience. Some stories are hilarious, others are sad, but they all share aspects of the human experience. You can take the stage to tell your story, or simply hang out and watch with friends. Check it out to see why West Chester Story Slam was voted “Best Entertaining Night Out” last year by Main Line Today.
Last month, Shari Donath won the Story Slam, which was themed “Respect.” Shari’s story had a bit of chaos in it. Check out her story below. What Chaos story would you tell live on stage?