From Lynn Davidson at NewsBusters:
Michelle may bring home the bacon, but she sure doesn’t fry it up in a pan.
During last year’s presidential campaign, the media worked overtime to portray John and Cindy McCain as wealthy private jet junkies with more homes than they can remember, while showcasing Barack and Michelle Obama as just another middle class family with two working parents, one car and freshly paid off student loans. In 2008, a media frenzy whirled around Mrs. McCain’s income and the $170,000 she paid household staff in 2006.
On the other hand, Mrs. Obama was defined as an average mom who juggled work and home with extraordinary skill. According to the media, she arranged sleepovers, scoured Target for the perfect wardrobe and served healthy organic dinners. Just like us common folk, right? Well, almost. Those healthy organic dinners were cooked by the Obamas’ personal chef, Sam Kass.
Funny how the media didn’t mention that on the campaign trail, particularly in all of those syrupy, hagiographic interviews where Michelle discussed her family life, such as this October 17, 2008 CBS “Early Show” segment where she danced around answering reporter Maggie Rodriguez when she asked, “Who cooks at home?” (emphasis mine):
MS. RODRIGUEZ: …Who cooks at home?
MS. OBAMA: When we cook, I cook. But a lot of times we — you know, it’s a lot of ordering out. It’s a lot of folks bringing food, you know. It’s — this year has not been usual.
MS. OBAMA: But outside of this year, I would generally cook.
MS. RODRIGUEZ: Are you a good cook?
MS. OBAMA: I’m a good cook when I have time to do it. But I’m not — you know, I’m not somebody who has to cook. If there’s somebody else who’s got a good meal, we’re there. (Laughs.)
MS. RODRIGUEZ: If he’s had a long day and he just wants to come home and have Michelle’s what — what’s the best meal you make that he loves?
MS. OBAMA: Oh, he loves my shrimp linguine. It’s garlicky, with sun-dried tomatoes. That’s one of his favorite dishes.