Now Casting: CNBC’s “Restaurant Startup”

Restaurant Startup is on a quest to discover, develop and invest in America’s next generation of culinary superstars. On the CNBC series, restaurant moguls Joe Bastianich and Tim Love vie to invest their own money in concepts they think can make big profits. Antonia LoFaso serves as the culinary consultant. Previous contestants on the series have called the experience “unparalleled,” “THE opportunity of a lifetime,” “an excellent catalyst” and more:

“Being on Restaurant Startup was an ‘eye opener’ for myself and my business partner. Having the chance to speak with the biggest empire in the restaurant business was the best thing that has ever happened to us and our business!” —Anne Chen, Bling Bling Dumping (Season 1)

If you’ve got a food concept or restaurant that deserves their attention and think you can make the cut, the time to apply for future seasons is now. Visit the Restaurant Startup website and complete the online form. And be sure to tune in to the brand new season of Restaurant Startup, premiering Tuesday, January 13!